Monday, February 18, 2008

Anna is 7 months old!

Got new pics of Anna today, she is just tooo cute! Can't wait to get her home.

Here are the pics, they were taken on February 17, 2008.

Just an update on what's been going on, and a cute story to share about Peter. Daddy has been busy working, trying to get all the jobs done, before he leaves for Guatemala. Mommy is still working on organizing the house, it's amazing how much stuff has been thrown out already, gotta make room. LOL. At the same time, mommy is also working on the "adoption announcement cards" and the "Christening invites" - good thing mommy can multi task. With any luck, they will be all done and be ready to mail out once we are home with Anna.

Today, Peter brought his little photo album to school with him. He had to show his teachers the pictures of his baby sister Anna (pictures were from our visit trip in January). Peter was your proud big brother showing off his baby sister, and he didn't want mommy to help, because he wanted to do it all by himself. When it was time to leave, he was concerned about not forgetting his little photo album book. Peter is going to be such a good brother.

Lately Peter has been talking a lot more and has been repeating everything he hears, from his mom and dad, the T.V., the radio, family and friends, and sometimes he even thinks he is singing like Elvis - hey, he has the stand right. So yesterday we went to church, and while we are there the priest tells a little story and ends it with Amen, and everyone says Amen. With a little delay, you hear Peter "Amen"! So then the priest continues with mass, and everyone says the appropriate response, and so does Peter - but he manages to say his reply after everyone and the church is quiet. It was so cute to see to hear, and everyone around us had the biggest smile on their faces. And lets face it, Peter takes after his mom with the "loud voice" so the entire church heard him each and every time. Guess our family and friends will be surprised to see and hear it at Anna's Christening.

As for Anna, we decided on a date to have the Christening, and reserved the Church for it. We are still working on where to have the celebration, but that is Daddy's job. Anna's room is almost all done, just have to re-organize the closet, so Peter can share it with her. We can't wait until Anna is home. Peter keeps on pointing out Anna's room and his room.

And just a few coincidents - Anna's Birth name is Nancy, on February 28th (the day we leave for Gautemala) is Margaret's sister Nancy's Birthday. Also, we return on March 5th, 2008 - two years ago on March 6th, 2006 we left for Guatemala to bring our son Peter home.

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Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker
Lilypie Date is set Ticker

Pictures from our Visit Trip to see Anna Maria 01/02 - 01/08/08