Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Request for Prayers for the 3,000 babies waiting to come home.........

Hi All,

Well, today I was going to post Pics of Anna, because she has been home for 2 months. BUT, there are more important things going on with about 3 thousand babies/children in Guatemala waiting to come home to their family in the United States.

Even though Anna has been home, I still try and keep up to date on what is happening with Guatemala adoptions. I have friends and blogger friends still waiting to bring their son/daughter home. For the latest update, you can visit
http://www.jcics.org/Guatemala.htm OR http://www.guatadopt.com/ It is so sad to think about all those babies/children being put on "hold", instead of coming home to their family. I can't imagine what the families are going through, more waiting, more of not knowing, more of guessing on what will happen. My prayers go out to all the children and families that were put on "hold" with their adoption.

I count my lucky stars, that Anna is home, because I think about what IFF that was us - what if we were put on "hold". Wow, you don't want to know - it brings tears to my eyes, just the thought of what IFF it was us. Unfortunately, the ladies who I went to Guatemala with back in January, some of the families were put on "hold". Martina came home last month with her daughter. My pal Barbara from Rochester, is on "hold", her case is in PGN, and our lawyer suggested that she plan a visit trip, because he doesn't know how long the "hold"/wait will be. Barbara hang in there, Ben will be home - "Have Faith" :) Besides, Peter and Anna are planning a play date when he does come home. On a happy note, Emma and Laurie are out of PGN and are waiting for their E Pink to let them know when their Embassy appointment is.

Please pray, cross your fingers, make a wish - do whatever works for you - that these babies come home to their families real soon. Also pray for all the other children in Guatemala that are in the orphanages with an uncertain future of ever having a family. Unfortunately adoptions world wide are being effected, and its hurting the child the most.

Thanks for your continued prayers and support.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Yes,I'm praying for the babies and their families that the time will go quickly and they'll be home.

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Pictures from our Visit Trip to see Anna Maria 01/02 - 01/08/08