Monday, September 24, 2007

Peter and his mom went shopping to get Anna a Gift for Halloween

Well, to help speed along the time here, we (mommy and Peter) decided to go shopping to get Anna a gift for Halloween. It doesn't look like Margaret and Peter will be visiting again, because daddy isn't keen on the idea - due to safety. So Margaret will be mailing these items with a family that is traveling to Guatemala, so Anna gets it in time for Halloween. Peter was trying to find a "Bun Bun" like he has for Anna (but a different color), but we couldn't find one. So tomorrow we will venture out again in search of the "Bun Bun".

We are just in the US Embassy for 20 days, so we still got time. Some families are getting Pre Approval in about 45 days, so I guess that is better than the usual 60 days. But, more than likely Margaret will be contacting her Congressman to see if anything can be done, on day 30........unless someone has a relative in the congress? That would be great...........

Also, to keep busy, Margaret put the Guatemala Weather on the right column, so everyone can see the weather there. For some odd reason, people think it is like 102 degrees there and it's not.

Please keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer or two, for us to get Pre Approval real real soon. Thanks.

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Pictures from our Visit Trip to see Anna Maria 01/02 - 01/08/08