Monday, September 17, 2007

Today Peter had his 2nd Birthday Party!

Today was a busy, busy day! We had to get ready for Peter's Birthday Party this evening. The day started off with Margaret getting up early to bake a Thomas the Train cake and cupcakes, while Peter was still sleeping. Then it was time to get Peter up to have breakfast so he can go to "school". We went to school and Peter loves it, and today he even played with a couple of boys in his class. On the way home from school, we stopped by the grocery store to pick up last minute items for the party this evening. Once home we ate lunch, and Margaret started to decorate the cake while Peter played in the living room. Well, Peter thought mommy was having so much fun, he decided to help with the cake decorating, instead of taking a nap. Peter also enjoyed eating all the extra icing. Margaret had just enough time to decorate the cake and cupcakes (NOTE TO SELF- next year buy the cake!), just in time to pack up the truck and head to the place where the party was going to be. Daddy just came home in time to change his shirt and come with us in the same truck. On the way to the Party place, Peter decided to take a nap. Once at the place, we let Peter nap while we unloaded the truck. Peter was able to take a 15 minute nap, before the guest started to arrive and we had to wake him up. Everyone arrived at the party and the festivities began. Peter was still a little tired, so he wasn't his usual self, but all his cousins and friends had a blast. Then they did face painting, which one of Peter's cousins got his face painted into a Tiger, and Peter was absolutely scared of his cousin. Every time Peter saw the "Tiger" he got scared and started to cry. Peter's mommy asked his cousin to not come near Peter since he was afraid of the painting he got done on his face. Margaret had to try her best to keep Peter away from the "scarey Tiger", just so Peter wouldn't get soo scared. The activities took a break, when the pizza arrived so everyone could eat. After the pizza, all the kids and adults were able to go into the "backroom" where the inflatable house, rock wall, slide, and bouncer all were. The kids enjoyed this very much, this was probably the best part out of the whole night. Mommy & Daddy attempted to bring Peter into the bouncer thing, but Peter didn't want any part of it. Since Peter didn't have his nap - he wasn't a happy camper - nap time is the indicator of how the rest of the day will be with my little guy. Peter did go into the bouncer thing with his Uncle with assistance, once in the bouncer Peter had fun. We then had birthday cake and the night ended. We packed up the truck and headed home. Mommy still had the kitchen to clean up, it was a mess with all the baking, mommy didn't have time to clean up the baking mess before leaving, so that was done once home. Peter remained awake, so we opened up all his gift. While opening the gifts, he managed to keep the R/C motorcycle and the Thomas the Train Jack in the Box, close by to him and he would play with each one in between opening the gifts. After the gifts were opened, Peter got his PJ's on and went to sleep.

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Pictures from our Visit Trip to see Anna Maria 01/02 - 01/08/08